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Applying AI to the California Water Crisis?

Singularity University recently closed its 2015 Impact Challenge Contest, asking for "exponential technologies" to solve the California water crisis. (Winners will...

Gaia Hypothesis or Big Data in SciFi continued.

We've had fun looking at the impact of science on science and tech. With the recent passing of a very...

Ancient book publishing tech: notary seals and stamps are 5 millennia old! Most people think Gutenberg invented book publishing. In reality, he made mass production of books very economical, but he didn't inventing book printing. It is a much older technology. This is a replica of the Nabonidus Cylinder in the British Museum Collection in London, UK. It is an ancient Babylonian historic text from around 540BC that references Belshezzar, a historical figure is also mentioned in the Book of Daniel of the Bible. There are older examples of cylindrical seals going back to 3500BC. Photo credit: Wikimedia/public domain
Ancient book publishing tech: notary seals & stamps are 5 millennia old!

Ancient book publishing tech: notary seals and stamps are 5 millennia old! Most people think Gutenberg invented book publishing. In...

How many engineers to invent a lightbulb, or Edison’s Menlo Park Lab

We previously did a post talking about using data to figure out how many engineers you need for you project...
