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glitch of steampunk icon mechanical computer inventor Charles Babbage Glitch art (C) Acculation
Glitch of steampunk icon Charles Babbage

Here's a glitch of steampunk icon Charles Babbage himself (Wikipedia bio). (This is part 3 of a series of glitch art...

The mirror test appears to be an excellent test of animal intelligence in visually-dominated animals. Humans have appreciated mirrors for millennia, however. Shown here is ancient Etruscan mirror in the collection of the Lourve. Photo credit: Wikimedia/(C) Marie-Lan Nguyen/CC-BY-3
Animal intelligence & consciousness: the mirror test

Analytics and mirrors: While the ability to recognize ones reflection in a mirror appears to be an excellent test of...

math pattern art: mathematical quilting & design

Mathematical quilting and math pattern art & design: shown here are 17th century Italian quilts made from mathematical patterns. Yesterday's Hamming...

Another Voltaire Collage of Glitch Art Variations

Layout collage showing multiple Voltaire glitch art variations. (We've previously covered Voltaire & Freedom of Speech.) Not sure what this...
