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VR (Virtual Reality) Data Preservation: Is this dutch painting really a 400-year old photograph made by a human? Photo Credit: Wikimedia/1620s Vermeer Masterpiece/Public Domain
VR Data Preservation: Is this dutch masterpiece painting really a 400-year old photograph made by a human?

Coming back to our earlier posts on data modeling of the impacts of investment in world literacy (represented by another...

Quasar Gravity Lenses, or 1TB/day Digital Sky Survey

These are quasar gravity lenses from the 1TB/day Sloan Digital Sky Survey begun back in 2000. Shown here are some cool-looking quasars...

Motion blur of London city lights. Intelligence, as it evolved in the natural world, is closely connected to motion. As many observers have noted, no motion, no need for a brain. Natural intelligence, therefore, is essentially a form of signal processing to control motors (muscles) in a very noisy environment. Traditional artificial intelligence in something like LISP or Prolog (although Turing equivalent) loses this aspect --- manipulating stacks (or lists of strings) isn't the best platform to process noisy signals. Intelligence can is signal processing in a noisy environment.
Signal processing, motion, and artificial intelligence: Ted Talk

Intelligence, signal processing, and motion Intelligence, as it evolved in the natural world, is closely connected to motion. As at...

Levitated Mass artwork (Wikipedia link) at sunset with palm trees near our corporate headquarters at the famous LACMA art museum in Los Angeles, California. Photo: (C) Acculation, Inc.
Photo Blog: Levitated Mass Sculpture at Sunset

This is our photo of the Levitated Mass artwork (Wikipedia link) at sunset near our corporate headquarters at the famous...
