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Is using Hadoop with SQL Server somehow surprisingly connected with Miley Cyrus? Probably not, but that won't stop us from trying to write an article about it. Photo: Wikimedia/(C)Apache Software Foundation under Apache License and/or fair use
14 Surprising Ways Miley Cyrus is like SQL Server Hadoop Analytics

14 Ways Miley Cyrus is like SQL Server Hadoop Analytics?!?! Yup, you read that article title right. We've done past...

Acculation SM ranked among most influential in Los Angeles

Social media influence firm Magnific has listed our corporate Twitter among Los Angeles' most influential social media accounts. Thanks guys for the Shout Out!...

Caveman diet: data preservation of a woolly mammoth

No, this isn't our sketch of an elephant. This is an 11,000-year old drawing by a Cro-Magnon prehistoric caveman (caveperson?)...

Ask questions now for forthcoming piece on careers in data science!

We're doing a forthcoming piece on careers in data science! (Forbes article on why this is one of the hottest...
