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Caveman diet: data preservation of a woolly mammoth

No, this isn't our sketch of an elephant. This is an 11,000-year old drawing by a Cro-Magnon prehistoric caveman (caveperson?)...

genetic disease turns you into real-life vamp. #Terror #fear #scary #horror #vamp Vlad III Tepes aka Vlad III Dracula. Photo credit: Wikimedia/public domain
genetic disease turns you into a real-life vampire

Halloween photo 2: Could this real-life vampire, a genetic disease sufferer, see himself in the mirror? This is Transylvania born...

Cheap air filters (purifiers) for those who need to slice their budget? Photo Credits: Commons By Attribution License
Cheap air filters for the broke?

The reason is the left Dylos "PRO" channel (which they assume are using, although our app also supports the non-PRO...

Diplomacy, art, smoke and mirrors (Photo blog): This is the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles near Paris, France. Built between 1678–1684, it has the site of numerous historical and state occasions, Chateau de Versailles - Galerie des Glaces. Hall of Mirrors. Myrabella / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-3.0
Diplomacy, art, smoke and mirrors (Photo blog)

Diplomacy and mirrors: This is the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles near Paris, France. Built between 1678–1684, it has the...
