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Streamgraph: multidimensional data visualization

This is an illustration of a streamgraph, a more non-traditional form of multi-dimensional data visualization. A streamgraph is just one...

A steampunk smartwatch?

This article was original published by Acculation on another site. Hyetis Crossbow: smartwatch from outer space? The Hyetis Crossbow has just...

The mirror test appears to be an excellent test of animal intelligence in visually-dominated animals. Humans have appreciated mirrors for millennia, however. Shown here is ancient Etruscan mirror in the collection of the Lourve. Photo credit: Wikimedia/(C) Marie-Lan Nguyen/CC-BY-3
Animal intelligence & consciousness: the mirror test

Analytics and mirrors: While the ability to recognize ones reflection in a mirror appears to be an excellent test of...

Wearable Fashion: IBM NuStory/USC Marshall Business Student Project Data-driven Social Media

Back in 2015, we (Acculation, Inc.) collaborated with the IBM NuStory Project to mentor University of Southern California (USC) Marshall...
