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Glitched King George III (July 4 Seasonal)

We did an earlier IG post (and longer blog article) about how King George III of the UK is believed...

Satirical French drawing from 1789
Satire and satirical drawings in 1789 could get you killed

Satirical drawing from 1789. We started off this series (on our IG) of French Revolution postings with a United Nations graphic on current...

While virtual reality models are cool, in this article we talk about mathematical models and dashboards for governance like the social progress index.
Error bands, or why models will be models (of the mathematical variety)

In response to our article on the Social Progress Index (SPI) and prediction markets, the Social Progress Index folks asked...

Nasa Mars pathfinder missing examining the (now famous) Yogi Rock on the Red Planet #red #rover #dirt #science #tech
Nasa Mars Pathfinder mission examining rock (Photo)

Nasa Mars pathfinder missing examining a (now famous) rock on the Red Planet. (We're continuing our Mars space exploration theme from the...
