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#photo: of with device, second smartest on the planet. We're going to do a blog post on the AI superintelligence shortly. It's actually significant (from a convergent evolution and AI design point of view) that dolphins, not chimps, are the second smartest animals on the planet. This was an encore version of our earlier dolphin photo. This US Navy dolphin (in the original photo) has what looks like a camera but is described as a "locator becaon." It looks like a wearable for a dolphin! Check out our earlier photos and blog posts on this subject.
Blockchain & AI panel event in SF on June 21

Acculation's CEO Werner G. Krebs, Ph.D. (multiple biographies here) will be a panelist with other companies including Block Trade Investments,...

Internet of Things smart range hood on display at CES 2014
Why did the toaster salute the CES-announced Internet-of-Things smart range hood? Because it was General Electric.

Smart, Internet-connected kitchen appliances make it easy to prepare Internet spam? We’ve already mentioned that the Internet Of Things was...

Iconic Carl Sagan Nasa Pioneer plaque as glitch art #alien #et #tech #man #figure #illustration #graphic #photo:
Iconic Carl Sagan Nasa Pioneer plaque as glitch art

Ok, we took a pause from our variations on maps and charts to look back at some of the more...

Acculation SM ranked among most influential in Los Angeles

Social media influence firm Magnific has listed our corporate Twitter among Los Angeles' most influential social media accounts. Thanks guys for the Shout Out!...
