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Wearable Fashion: IBM NuStory/USC Marshall Business Student Project Data-driven Social Media

Back in 2015, we (Acculation, Inc.) collaborated with the IBM NuStory Project to mentor University of Southern California (USC) Marshall...

How the Roman One Percent (1%) lived: pool at Getty Villa in Malibu, CA near our HQ. #water #statue #tree #trees #mountain #hill #blue Photo credit: (C) Acculation
Roman One Percent Lifestyle (Getty Villa Malibu photo)

Wondering how the ancient Roman one percent lived? This is our photo of the pool in the Getty Villa Roman-era...

A Chimp, a Congressional Rep/congressman/congresswoman/congressperson/congresscriter, and a Mirror. This is Hugo Rheinhold's famous 19th century sculpture of a politician's closest living relative, the common chimpanzee. The chimp is one of the few animals able to recognize itself in a mirror.Photo credit: Wikimedia/Jfderry/CC-BY-3
A Chimp, a Congressional Rep, and a Mirror

Election day photo: chimp art. (Or ... holding your Congressional Rep up to a mirror.) No, we didn't really buy...

This is a photo of a spear (from Mesa Verde National Park). This is the earliest "superweapon" from the wood and stone ages that drove our species evolution.
Spear: the earliest “superweapon” from the wood age

This is a photo of a spear (from Mesa Verde National Park). New research suggests is the earliest "superweapon" that the...
