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Glitched King George III (July 4 Seasonal)

We did an earlier IG post (and longer blog article) about how King George III of the UK is believed...

Ever wondered how many software engineers it takes to change a light bulb? This post gives you project management and software engineering analytics tools to answer that question. Pictured here is Thomas Edison's Menlo Park laboratory, where a major engineering project was needed to invent the lightbulb in the first place. Photo: Wikimedia/Andrew Balet/CC-BY-SA-2.5
Project management and software engineering analytics

Have you ever wondered, "how many software engineers does it take to change a lightbulb?" This post will give you...

Screenshot of new Acculation mobile website
Re-platformed website; check out our new mobile website

Serious new eye-candy on the mobile version of our newly revamped website! Some of you may have noticed the blog...

What skills should you have to get a job as a data scientist or Wall Street analyst? Former hiring manager shares video advice & tips on 6-figure careers.
Careers in Data Science (Video & Transcript). Or, how to land a 6-figure Wall Street job

  Careers and data science [From a 2013 talk by Acculation's CEO to undergraduate political science majors about careers in...
